LABELLE: THE TRIO THAT BROKE ALL THE MOLDS Fiona McQuarrie·September 21, 2021Labelle, the trio of Patti LaBelle, Nona Hendryx and Sarah Dash, turned the music world on its head,...All Please Kill Me PostsCool PeopleFiona McQuarrieGirl PowerMusicians·0 Comments
THE LONG NIGHT OF JOHN MARTYN Fiona McQuarrie·January 28, 2021Before his late-career decline, John Martyn was one of the most innovative figures in the British folk-rock firmament,...All Please Kill Me PostsBooksFiona McQuarrieHistoryInterviews·0 Comments
ROD EVANS: DEEP IN THE PURPLE Fiona McQuarrie·September 17, 2020Rod Evans, original lead singer of hard-rocking Deep Purple, walked away from the music business in the late...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieHistoryMusicians·0 Comments
SUNSHINE WALKERS: KIMBERLEY REW & LEE CAVE-BERRY Fiona McQuarrie·August 4, 2020After stints in the Soft Boys (with Robyn Hitchcock) and Katrina and the Waves, Kimberley Rew has pursued...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieMusicians·0 Comments
SECOND FIDDLE TO NO MAN: BEVERLEY MARTYN AND LINDA THOMPSON Fiona McQuarrie·June 8, 2020The talented singer-songwriters Beverley Martyn and Linda Thompson faced an unfair hurdle in their careers: Though accomplished before...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieInterviewsMusicians·2 Comments
BODY SLAM: PRO WRESTLING VS. ROCK & ROLL, A CAGE MATCH Fiona McQuarrie·March 4, 2020The influence of professional wrestling on the music industry has seldom been examined. Consider, for starters, the rock...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieMusicians·1 Comment
KINKY 101: LIFE ADVICE FROM DOMINATRIXES Fiona McQuarrie·January 20, 2020Financial journalist Lindsay Goldwert saw parallels between the work of dominatrixes and how all the rest of us...All Please Kill Me PostsBooksFiona McQuarrieInterviews·0 Comments
LHASA DE SELA MATTERS Fiona McQuarrie·November 11, 2019Beautiful but uncategorizable music flowed through Lhasa de Sela (1972-2010), whose itinerant, off-the-grid childhood with spiritually-inclined parents allowed...All Please Kill Me PostsBooksFiona McQuarrieInterviewsMusicians·0 Comments
THE CHANGER AND THE CHANGED: A HISTORY OF THE WOMEN’S MUSIC MOVEMENT Fiona McQuarrie·October 14, 2019Long before legalized same-sex marriage became a reality and the #Metoo movement crashed the patriarchal gates, a women’s...ActivismAll Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieHistory·8 Comments
FAKEWOOD MAC: THE UNREAL FLEETWOOD MAC, 1974 Fiona McQuarrie·August 5, 2019There are some who’d say the “real” Fleetwood Mac ended when Peter Green left the band for good...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieHistoryMusicians·5 Comments
DON’T GIMME NO LIP, CHILD: THE ‘STRANGE EFFECT’ OF DAVE BERRY Fiona McQuarrie·July 16, 2019The UK hitmaker whose career began before The Beatles and still continues at age 80, was always one...All Please Kill Me PostsFiona McQuarrieHistoryMusicians·1 Comment