When did rock n' roll get boring? The NY Dolls had it all. They dressed like a Susanne Somers workout tape on crack, they figured out that heavy bangs and layered hair can work well on guys, managed to get women hot while wearing heels, and played fun tunes to let your hair down to. Substance without style may be good on your record player, but what about the live show?
Powerful footage of the Stooges taken by NYC musician Ryan Skeleton Boy in November of 2003. The live set was performed at Tower Records and is riddled with funny commentary by Iggy on the sad state of music and his drug influenced lyrics.
Patti Smith recalls her days living at the legendary Chelsea Hotel. Highlights include living under the same roof as Janis Joplin and running into William S. Burroughs at the bar across the street. Patti may not have had much money in her younger years, but she lived a very culturally rich lifestyle.