All The Young Punks #1: Korean Kids Learn English From The Ramones!!

Question: WHAT could be cuter than a bunch of kids jumping around, singing a song together?
Answer: A bunch of kids jumping around singing a Ramones song together—especially when English is their second language!

That’s the scene in this video, filmed at the Sullivan School in Seoul, South Korea, with a class of three to five year olds. Check it out:

You’ve probably seen this video before; it’s gone viral, and was featured on CBS News!
Teaching youngsters English with the Ramones song “Judy Is A Punk” was the idea of teacher Peter Strutt, a native of Iowa, who told in Australia:

“Over the course of a year, I’ll teach my students forty plus songs, and I try to make each one count. The lyrics in are quite fast, and the majority of our students had only been studying English for five or six months when we learned this song.”

Children are now learning English from the Ramones??!
Please Kill Me remembers when a member of the British House of Parliament said about the first Ramones album, “It’s shocking material!! I’m horrified!”

Far from being horrified, one viewer of this amazing You Tube commented:
“Can you imagine 5-year-old kids in New York schools singing Chinese punk songs to learn Mandarin as their second language??!”

We say, “Why not?? Which song?”